Big Data is already a key element, and in the coming years, it will be much more for the development of companies and the culmination of digital transformation processes. The value and importance of the data is already considered the new ‘oil’ for business, but is this technology only aimed at large companies or does it also have a place in SMEs?

The opinion of the experts supports both the knowledge of Big Data processes and its application to all types of businesses (adapting it, of course, to the needs and volume of data handled). In this sense, Big Data Marketing is becoming the spearhead for the development and application of the advantages of Big Data to all types of sectors.

What are the keys to success before betting on a Big Data strategy in your company? In summary form we can indicate these:

Understand that technology is already essential for any company and that any business should bet on it. We do not talk as much about applying a Big Data strategy as about the importance of knowing how the new tools can help us grow. You have to think digitally and become familiar with technologies such as the Cloud, free software platforms, collaborative models …

Closely related to the previous point, we must bear in mind that technology such as Big Data will completely change the company’s relationships with its customers and with other companies. The new technologies allow access to other sectors of activity and, also, promote a new relationship with companies or entrepreneurial projects of third parties, which implies opening our business to new models of collaboration and marketing.

The seek for these new business models is indispensable in the Digital Economy. In this sense, Big Data is key because of the analysis of data and trends, valuable conclusions can be drawn to anticipate new trends and opportunities that, otherwise, it would be very complicated to anticipate. Innovation is one of the pillars of Digital Transformation, and Big Data is the technology that supports this foundation.